An Open Letter to President Trump

Dear President Trump,

Congratulations on your victorious return to the White House! Your commitment to the American people and determination to rein in federal overreach have once again resonated across this nation. You’ve given a voice to millions who believe in freedom, accountability, and a government that truly serves its people. Thank you for your leadership and for championing these foundational principles.

As you work to implement real change, know that the Convention of States (COS) movement stands with you, shoulder to shoulder, ready to secure lasting reforms. We share your commitment to curbing federal overreach, balancing power between the states and Washington, and securing our constitutional liberties. The Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, foresaw a day when federal power might overextend its reach, prompting them to include Article V in the Constitution—a safeguard for “We the People.” Article V provides us, through our state legislators, the power to propose amendments to rein in federal power and restore balance to our Republic.

The Convention of States movement aims to use this vital mechanism to implement common sense amendments that can control spending, impose term limits on federal officials, and limit the jurisdiction of federal government agencies. We believe these reforms are essential to creating change that will not only bolster your own achievements toward these ends in your next four years in office — but will also protect freedom for generations when those who come after you attempt to undo what you have accomplished.

Your Vice President, JD Vance, and Speaker Mike Johnson have both already voiced their support for our effort, and we urge you to join them by publicly supporting Convention of States Action (COSA). With your leadership, we can inspire lawmakers and citizens to rally behind this cause, giving it the weight it needs to pass in state legislatures nationwide. COSA resolutions are already moving through state legislatures, and the support of a sitting president would be an unparalleled call to action for representatives to vote “yes” on this transformative legislation.

Mr. President, this is a chance for us to make history together and to permanently fulfill many of your promises to the American people. During your first inaugural address, you said your Presidency represented a transfer of power from DC back to the people. This growing movement and the authority entrusted to us in Article V will allow us to fulfill the Founders’ vision, and your vision, of a federal government that is limited, accountable, and constrained by the will of the people. By supporting COS, you can help cement a legacy of freedom that will last beyond your term, protecting the liberties and prosperity of future generations.

Thank you for your tireless work to defend American values. With your leadership, we can realize the full promise of Article V and ensure that the freedoms we cherish endure for years to come.

With utmost respect and gratitude,

Convention of States Supporter